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How can you increase the attendance at your conference? It is our experience that a interesting program or topic isn’t always enough to guarantee a success. Our communication experts will help you find the right strategy:

Processes and analyzes that will help and ensure the interest of the required delegates are often neglected. We believe that these tasks are as important – and sometimes even more important than the event itself. It all starts with the invitation that has to be engaging and relevant. We will help you develop and implement an invitation-strategy that works.

Before you send your invitations, you need to plan a follow-up strategy. We will help you develop and implement this strategy, so that you can keep the invitees in the loop after the conference. We will provide you with your own online evaluation-system, where the delegates easily can provide feedback. We will assist you with the collection and subsequently the analysis of the feedback from the delegates, so that you have the necessary information for the planning and implementation of your next conference.

When it comes to the organization of conferences and events, personal involvement from the delegates is essential. Many years of planning conferences have taught us that an engaged and active audience will ensure that your conference will be successful and remembered.

Take advantage of today’s technological possibilities and involve your audience through interactive voting systems and sms questions to the panel. By using the latest technology you will have a dynamic flow where you will get the most out of the content of your presentations.

It is not only the content that makes a good presentation, but also the way the content is presented. Let us help you to create an engaging and dynamic presentation.

Communicating from the lectern can be challenging if you don’t have the right tools. Together with our professional instructors we will ensure that your message is presented in an interesting and motivating way. Furthermore, it could be a good idea working with the setup itself. Presenting your messages in e.g. a talkshow-like setup creates a better flow for the speaker and the audience and gives the presentation a dynamic energy.

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